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Newsom’s stimulus left out many retirees, veterans and disabled Californians. Will they vote to recall him?
Not enough subs: California schools face severe teacher shortage
Recall fact and fiction: What you need to know about the election fraud rumors you’re seeing
Devastating fires could damage Lake Tahoe’s iconic blue waters
Farmworkers may be able to vote at home in union elections
2021 Recall Voter Guide
Tracking coronavirus hospitalizations in California by county
Support free, fair and accessible journalism in California
Running out of water and time: How unprepared is California for 2021’s drought?
California enacted a groundwater law 7 years ago. But wells are still drying up — and the threat is spreading
Facing ‘dire water shortages,’ California bans Delta pumping
That recycling symbol doesn’t always mean what you think it does
California’s 2020 fire siege: wildfires by the numbers
Will Delta water users sue — again — to stop California’s drought rules?
Forever chemicals: California unveils health goals for contaminated drinking water
COVID vaccinations lag for people on Medi-Cal
Nurse shortages in California reaching crisis point
COVID hospitalizations break records in six California counties
Imperial County has one of California’s best vaccination rates. Here’s why.
The Lambda COVID variant is in California: 5 things to know
Newsom makes California the first state to require teacher vaccines or COVID tests
Cal State deadline could lead to unvaccinated students on campus and missed classes
Are young voters the key to Gavin Newsom surviving the recall?
If Newsom is recalled, how would a Republican governor get anything done?
With recall looming, Newsom gets some help from friends in Legislature
Gray Davis: California recalls should be reformed, no matter Newsom’s fate
Who is Kevin Paffrath and what would he do as governor?
Who is Kevin Kiley and what would he do as governor?
Who is Larry Elder and what would he do as governor?
Are small business owners angry enough at Gavin Newsom to throw him out of office?
RecALL 2021
How sports arenas became the poster child of California’s housing crisis
Can a historic Black town be revitalized?
He won the fight over Fresno High’s mascot. The backlash has been ‘weird’ and ‘racist’
Garment manufacturers worry California bill threatens ‘golden window’ to reshore jobs
Q&A: Tips for the unemployed on finding work
College Beat
K-12 Education
Could this plan ease transfer woes for California Community College students?
California lawmakers and teachers unions stop short of a vaccine mandate
New tribal colleges offer ‘sense of belonging’ for Native students but hit roadblocks
Newsom recall: GOP challengers see parents as ‘consumers’
UC students turned a ‘forever’ tuition hike into a five-year hike. Now what?
SB 2 treats police officers like professionals
My Turn
Here’s how putting California’s homeless in hotels actually works
Californians still really like Prop. 13—except for the big parts they don’t like
What could the end of single-family zoning mean for California’s affordable housing crisis?
California’s housing crisis: How much difference will a zoning bill make?
Why is it so difficult to get housing bills through the California Legislature?
A quiet crisis: Tenants fall through the safety net into an eviction cluster in Long Beach
Why are key California affordable housing bills bottled up?
Key lawmaker on California’s eviction ban: ‘If we run out of money, all bets are off’
Where are tenants falling through the cracks of California eviction ban?
California’s eviction moratorium extension: What’s in it for tenants and landlords?
Yoga classes, therapy and 401(k)s: California businesses beefing up benefits to attract workers
‘Is something around the corner?’ Small businesses reopen to find new challenges
Unpaid utility bills? California will pay off $2 billion to avoid shutoffs
Three key takeaways for California small business owners
Should homeowners pay for climate change?
Outraged parishoners, irked gun stores, an angry bride: Courts flooded with anti-Newsom shutdown suits
Six things: The role of California’s National Guard in protests
Fired: California bill aims to decertify police for serious misconduct
The Britney effect: How California is grappling with conservatorship
Outgunned: Why California’s groundbreaking firearms law is failing
California judges don’t reflect the state’s diversity — how that could change
In Absentia: No Latino Superior Court judges in these majority-Latino California counties
Inside the California organization tracking anti-Asian hate incidents
Newsom won’t require COVID vaccines for prison staff
Call 988: How will California pay for the new crisis hotline?
Licensing by clerical error: How the state’s mistake decided the course of two nursing homes
COVID patients have doubled in California hospitals
California first in nation to mandate vaccinations for health care workers
New CDC advice: Most vaccinated Californians should wear masks indoors
California orders vaccine or testing for health care workers, state employees
Newsom promised big on California health care. Where do his bold plans stand now?
Voters fired up over Newsom recall
That student in your community college class? They could be a bot.
Recall puts elections chief in political pickle
Incendios devastadores podrían dañar las icónicas aguas azules del lago Tahoe
Destitución realidad vs ficción: lo que necesita saber sobre los rumores de fraude electoral
Los trabajadores agrícolas pueden votar en casa en las elecciones sindicales
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